Our Team (the Locals)

Lincoln Wellner

Hey, Linc here. When I sat down with a rabbi in preparation for my BarMitzvah, she asked me what I wanted to do for my “mitzvah project,” which is all about assuming responsibility. She said “what’s one thing that bothers you about this world that you want to change”? And, it hit me - it should be easy to help people in need, especially when you pass right by them. And, technology can play a role here!

My role at LocalChange is to create a user-friendly way to connect people who have with people in need.

Mila Wellner

Hello my name is Mila. I've always seen people on the road asking for help, so I asked my parents for some change but sometimes they don't have money on them. As a kid, I feel especially bad when I see another kid my age without a home, or going hungry. My favorite thing to do is to prepare food for the hungry because I have always liked cooking, and get to help people at the same time.

My job at LocalChange is to create and edit content for the website and social media.